mandag 11. mai 2015

Native Americans - Current Situation
  1. 50% of the Native Americans live on federal reservations. The majority of the reservations are situated west of the Mississippi River.
  2. Some of the social challenges are unemployment, poverty, alcoholism and drug abuse.
  3. Today all the tribes possess the right to from their own goverment, to enforce laws, to tax, to establish requierments for membership, to license and regulate activities, to zone and to exclude persons from tribal territories.
  4. Many of Native Americans and also advocates, who figths for Native American rights, point out that the US Federal Government's claim to recognize the ''sovereignty'' of Native American peoples falls short.The US still wishes to govern Native American peoples and treat them as subject to US law.
  5. The BIA states that its responsibility is the ''administration and management of 55,700,000 acres (225,000km2) of land held in trust by the United States og American Indians, Alaskan Natives and Indian Tribes.'' 

mandag 23. mars 2015

Emily Stone - The Multicultural Woman
Emily Stone is a young woman. She was born in Danmark in July 1988, but in September the same year, she was adopted to a English couple she now calls her parents. Emily went to The University of Manchester, and her examtask was to write about the Second World War. After she finished school she traveled to Italy to learn Italian. In school she had already learn French, and her next goal in life is to learn Danish and travel to her birthcountry next Thanksgiving. Emily has always been interested in politics, and she wotes for the Democrats. In her sparetime, she works in a shop called ¨Lola's¨, and when she is not on work she watch alot of films and series, and her favorite film is Ditry Dancing. Emily's dream in life is to get married with a tall, dark and handsome guy and have two kids she wants to name Kim and Sandy. In October 2003 she went on a holiday trip in Asia, and since then she has been a Buddhist, and she belives in Buddha.

Digital Dictionary


Then I did something/Deretter

Which one / Hvilken

Wizard / Heks

We drove through / Gjennom

Yesterday I threw a ball / kastet

There it is / Der

Their books / deres

They're old / de er

How to play / Til eller å

I like it too / også

Two mirrors

To lose something / miste

Loose pants / løs

mandag 9. mars 2015

Winston Churcill 
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churcill was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during the Second World War and also from 1951-1955. He is considered as one of the greatest wartime leaders of the 20th century. He participated in many areas, such as being an officer in the British Army, an artist, historian and a writer. He actually won the Nobel Prize in Literature, and he was a good painter. Churchill was born in 1874, and his father was also a politician and his mother was an American socialite. He is regarded as one of the most influential persons on British History. Churchill died in 1965, aged 90.

torsdag 12. februar 2015

Task 2

Is modern digital technology the only way forward in life?

The internet are growing and growing. Can you imagine what the world would be without technology, or easier said what would the world be without Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, iPhone, television or radio? With the internet comes both advantages and disadvantages, but maybe modern digital technology is a blessing and the only way forward? 

The internet gives you opportunities to share your story, your perspective, your meaning and your side of a case in a completely new way. With just a single click, your thoughts could be shared with thousands of people throughout the whole wide world. Millions of viewers, readers and other internet users can see and read your expressions. This is a great way for companies, but also private persons, to publish their meanings in politics, marketing or finance. Trough social media it is easier to get in contact with a larger group of people and also more important persons at the same time. If you are good at expressing yourself or good-spoken you have a great chance to convince others, and then it will be easier to convince even more people. That is because when someone likes or agree with your post, they normally share it, which means they create a post that contains a link to your post. Then some of the sharers friends can see it, and maybe they share it as well. This goes on and on, so social media is a great way to get more supporters.

However, the internet does not just bring us more supporters, there is many things you can find out by one single search. Google for example is like a giant brain. I bet you can type in whatever you want information about, and find it within two minutes. Google is kind off the main webpage that brings you to other webpages; it is like the center of the webpages. With this site, you maybe do not need to go to the supplier to get help with your problem on the TV, or your problem on your cellphone; there is thousands of people out there who can give you the information you need to fix the challenges.
On the other side, maybe modern digital technology isn’t a blessing and the only way forward. The kids that are growing up these days have iPads and smartphones, and many of them are not aware of the risks and traps on the internet. The kids nowadays care about how many likes they got on their selfie, or witch level they are in a videogame, and that’s a huge contrast to when I was younger and we played outside in the dirt. Today young people spend maybe a bit too much time on their smartphones and their digital friends then the real friends. Myself included, are using my smartphone to be online when I should have given more attention to my friends out there in the offline world.

There are both positive and negative sides with the modern digital technology. It is an enormous part of our lives, but we cannot forget to spend time offline as well as online. The technology is a great tool, and it develops the community we live in in bad and good ways.